Friday, April 12, 2019

Dead Poet Society Essay Example for Free

Dead Poet party EssayIs living a crime? Is choice unacceptable? Is suicide typical? Reading this is so simple but going through it is much harder than we think. Forgetting your best friend who suicided, having your close relative killed and been alone was Charlies life. The nab of being a wallflower directed by Stephen Chbosky is an astonishing put down which involves chela entering the world of adulthood. Beginning a new year of high school here Charlie at long last befriends Sam and Patrick and through this we explore the themes of self-realisation and loneliness. Self-realisation and loneliness is conveyed in both films Directed by Peter Weir Dead Poet society is a story of a teacher called Mr Keating who makes his students releases the ability they have in them. The film Perk of being a wallflower definitely reinforces the themes in Dead poet Society. nakedness is deeply attached and expressed early in Charlies life. It is shown by him not participating in any class act ivities. The camera angel that supports this statement is an eye-level shot where Charlie is sitting in class indorse down on his chair. This symbolic representationises that he is too triskaidekaphobic to speak out.The body language is dull with a lower self-esteem. Similarly, in Dead Poet Society Todd a shy and insecure guy who is too afraid to come out of his shell. The camera shot used is close-up where Todds facial expression is conveyed by latent hostility and fear. So, therefore both films definitely share a similar theme. Things change. And friends leave. Life doesnt stop for anybody. Being intensely devoted to his historic Charlie stopped realising who he really is. Every step he took he remembered the past, and that past has stopped his life in one motion stress and alone.Fortunately, with help from his friend Sam he realises that life is abundant of happiness and freedom. The Camera Angle used is Medium shot where Charlie is standing on the truck bed, with his hands open, he learns that he can go on with life without being scared, because he is more than a wallflower. Furthermore, Self-realisation in Dead Poet Society is shown by Todd at the end of the film where he is confident and fearless. He seizes the day by standing on his desk as a symbol of his respect to Mr Keating. The camera Angle used is low angle shot of Todd which makes him look powerful and full of dignity.Confident, happiness and self-realisation taught both Todd and Charlie that life keeps going so. So, therefore, again the perk of being a wallflower has expressed similar themes as Dead poet society. To conclude, both films had similarities and differences but overall the same themes Themes of self-realisation and loneliness. The perk of being a wallflower and Dead poet society show us lives of teenagers that are sometimes unseen and the way they overcome each obstacle. So, what would you do if you were in this situation? Because in life people alike Mr Keating or Sam arent always there. So my friends seize the day your own way.

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