Sunday, August 11, 2019

Organized Criminality and Terrorism in France Essay

Organized Criminality and Terrorism in France - Essay Example A â€Å"triangular trade† is progressively developing. It includes contraband of weapons, drugs and other goods. New al-Qaeda units such as Groupe Salafiste pour la Prà ©dication, Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group were formed and they use primarily created European channels to implement triangular trade. This activity is highly developed in France and Spain. At first, their activity was reduced to exchanges and then turned into a direct sale. It was revealed that the money received from drug sale was used to finance the terrorist attacks happened in Spain on May 16, 2003, and March 11, 2004, and in America in September 2001 (Rothe, 2006). Terrorists are also actively involved in contraband of precious stones and metals. In Germany, a travel agency was exposed after it used its activity to contraband gold and silver. The police are concerned with the fact that the channels established by terrorists will be used for contraband of heavy weapons and weapons of mass destruction, especially after the case, when Russian heavy weapon was planned to be solved to al-Qaeda through a man who worked for FBI (Berdal, 2002).

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